RGPF to Intensify Presence at Political Rallies


In light of recent political-related complaints, the Royal Grenada Police Force (RGPF) will be intensifying its presence at political meetings/rallies.

Persons are encouraged to refrain from engaging in any form of violence and threats and or interference with political meetings.

Political candidates are encouraged to call on their supporters to act responsibly and within the law, as the build-up to general elections continues.

Persons involved in any form of violence and threats and or disruptions to political meetings may face criminal prosecution.

Party supporters are also encouraged to refrain from unauthorized invasion onto the private property of another to erect political posters, signs, banners and billboards as well as defacing of private walls and buildings with political messages.

Persons are reminded that the Public Order Act prohibits the carrying of any offensive weapon at public meetings as well as disorderly behaviors with an intent to prevent the purpose for which a meeting was called.

It is also a criminal offense for persons at any public meeting to use threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour; or distribute or display any writing, sign or visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting, with intent to provoke a breach of the peace, or whereby a breach of the peace is likely to result.

The Royal Grenada Police Force looks forward to the cooperation of all in the interest of public safety.


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