Government Makes Moves Towards Increasing Grenada’s Food Security


Hundreds of thousands of dollars will be invested in improving Grenada’s food security, as Government commits to increasing the availability of locally-grown food on the island.

This disclosure was made by Minister for Agriculture, Hon. Peter. David. Minister David, at the  virtual celebration of the United Nations’ internationally recognised World Food Day event on  Friday, October 15, 2021,

This year’s celebrations were held under the theme: “Our actions are our Future: Better  production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life.”

The Agriculture Minister’s remarks underlined Government’s dedication towards better agricultural production. He said, “Government has approved a 10-year rehabilitation plan for the  Grand Bras Estate. An initial sum of around EC $500,000 will be invested by the end of 2021  and an equivalent sum will be allocated to this initiative in 2022.”

Additionally, he said “Government continues to work with a private sector investor to develop  the Bellevue Estate into a profitable economic unit that creates sustainable livelihoods for  persons in rural communities, generate increased levels of foreign exchange from the export of  economic crops, and bolster our food security through the expansion of staple crops.”

Minister for Fisheries, Hon Yolande Bain-Horsford, delivering remarks at the ceremony, advised that Grenada model its food security strategy to synchronise with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals; namely, SDG 1 – No poverty, SDG 2 – Zero Hunger, and SDG  10 – Reduced Inequalities.

“It is important to note that the nutritional status is a measure of the health condition of all individuals, as affected primarily by the intake of food and utilisation of nutrients. The nutritional value of fish consumption is supported by the Food and Agriculture Organisation.

I encourage all to consume healthy foods and include frequent exercise; this has proven to enhance lives and livelihoods” she remarked.

FAO’s Trade and Market Officer for the Caribbean, Juan Cheaz, spoke of his organisation’s support to member states in dealing with challenges that can potentially prevent better production, nutrition, environments, and livelihoods.

He said, “To achieve this, we need to preserve our biodiversity, address and mitigate the impact  of climbing prices and produce the food we eat in a sustainable way.”

The World Food Day celebration began with the opening ceremony at the Ministry of Works  Conference Rook and continued with feature presentations, where input suppliers, technologies in agriculture, and contributors to Grenada’s food systems were recognised.


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