Respect the Water – Be a Winner


THE RGPF IS urging the public to adhere to the rules and regulations that govern water activities, be mindful of the dangers of water and to take the necessary measures to safeguard their personal safety and that of others when engaging in activities that involve the use of water this Festive Season.

Persons are reminded that at this time of the year the sea has a tendency to be rough and with that in mind persons are encouraged to adapt best practices.

Boat operators and fishermen are encouraged to ensure boating safety rules or precautions have not been overlooked or forgotten, be weather wise, be familiar with the area that they are fishing in, always consider safety factors as well as be adequately prepared for any possibility whilst out at sea.

Sea bathers / swimmers are advised to check the weather before going to the beach, be extra cautious when swimming in the sea, scan the water carefully before entering, always keep an eye out for rip currents especially around the coastline, keep an eye on the waves and avoid areas where there is a strong backwash.

Parents / Guardians are advised to engage children in talks on water safety, never leave children unattended in or around large bodies of water, remember that children using noodles and other flotation devices must be properly supervised, and be mindful that even a small inflatable pool or bucket full of water, is a potential danger for children.
If a child is missing, check the water first as every second count in preventing drowning or permanent disability.
Children should also be taught to always ask permission to go near water.

Other safety advices include swimming only in the designated areas, obeying instructions / directions from lifeguards, avoid swimming immediately after a big meal and while intoxicated as well as refrain from diving into shallow seawater. It is also important to always have a designated water-watcher who is responsible for keeping track of everyone at the beach or pool and to avoid swimming alone – instead use the buddy system. Moreover, knowing CPR is a skill that can mean the difference between survival and the death of a victim who almost drowned.
With the 2016 Carriacou Parang Festival on the horizon the RGPF is also making a special appeal to persons intending to make that journey from mainland Grenada to do so through the safest possible means.

Persons are encouraged to adapt best safety practices and avoid risking their lives and that of others with the overcrowding of small crafts and use only boats that are designed to withstand the rigors of rough seas travel.

If in doubt, opt out.


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