One Time Grenada Health Minister Advises Grenadians Consider Taking The Vaccine Seriously


A One-Time Health Minister of Grenada, Ann David Antoine, sends out a signal for the country’s citizens to get vaccinated against the Coronavirus.

Describing its nature as deadly, she says there’s no time for much talking.

David Antoine says people need to seriously consider getting vaccinated against the disease.

On the question of making vaccination mandatory, Ann David Antoine says people should not have to wait for anyone to make it compulsory that they take the vaccine to protect themselves against the virus.

According to her, the vaccine is indeed in itself a mandatory product for personal protection, when considering the nature of the infection the world is dealing with.

As a Health professional with years of experience in the nursing field, David-Antoine noted that vaccination becomes essential in fighting against deadly diseases.

Ann David-Antoine goes on to say that one should not wait for something to be made law to understand it’s for one’s own good.

This is how she puts it.


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