Busmen Clad In Red As They Protest Against High Fuel Prices And Other Factors Hindering Their Trade


It’s a “RED DAY” FOR the Nation’s busmen protesting against high fuel prices, bad roads, and other debilitating factors, which they say are financially unfavorable to their trade. 


They marched today to draw public attention to their plight. 


The bus operators say despite the return to full passenger loads, after the lockdown COVID recovery from last year, things still don’t play in their favor. 


They complain of struggling to meet demands, as we hear from the President of the Grenville Bus Association. 


Head of the Grenville Bus Association. 


It’s reported that the bus operators made an application for a reduction on the fuel prices but this was not approved, since according to the Finance Minister, Gregory Bowen, is that the administration doesn’t have control of the prices at the pump. 


Further as he went on to say that it’s also difficult at this time to cut back on Government revenues. 


On the issue relative to increasing in bus fares, a request from the bus operators which they say can help them cushion the financial effects, the Finance Minister had this to say. 


Finance Minister, Gregory Bowen speaking in another series of the government’s weekly post cabinet briefing. 


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