Press Release

Today, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) challenges the New National Party (NNP) to sign a joint bribery pledge which commits both parties not to bribe the electorate. In addition to that commitment, the pledge calls on the Police to open a hotline for allegations of voter bribery to be reported and calls on the NNP government to instruct the police to vigorously investigate reports of bribery.

The pledge reads as follows:

“We, the undersigned major political parties of Grenada – the National Democratic Congress and the New National Party – hereby pledge to not offer any bribes either monetary or in the form of goods – to the electorate of Grenada.

“We further both call upon the police to set up a hotline whereby reports of bribery can be submitted and we jointly call on the police to vigorously investigate reports of voter bribery so that all involved can be brought to justice. Grenada’s democracy is at stake and we both agree to protect it by rooting out voter bribery at it’s core.”

The NDC is prepared to sign this statement in a joint press conference with the NNP.

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